New Year, New Goals! Help your whole family make New Year resolutions they can stick to by achieving them together. Make your goals fun and attainable but most importantly remember that, together, you can achieve anything!
#1. Resolve to Read More
Have each member of your family make a list of 10 books they’d like to read this year. Plan some trips to the bookstore or the library. Next, carve out Family Reading time. Create a schedule for the month and make sure you carve out time each week for family members to go to their quiet place and read. Have kids that don’t love to read? Make it a competition or create a reward system.
#2. Resolve to Get Outside
Make time to get outside and be one with nature. This can be a great opportunity for learning or family bonding. Need some ideas?
- Go on a camping trip
- Go for walk or a hike
- Find an adventure or scavenger hunt
#3. Resolve to Eat More Meals Together
According to the FCC, “Family meals provide an opportunity for family members to come together, strengthen ties and build better relationships. They build a sense of belonging which leads to better self-esteem. Family meals offer parents a chance to be role models. They can set an example of healthy eating and polite table manners.” Help your family build healthy habits and stronger bonds around the dinner table. Bored with your routine? Have your kids help you pick a weekly menu that incorporates theme nights like taco night and pizza night or go meatless once a week. Want to teach your kids a new skill in 2021? Bring them into the kitchen and learn to cook new recipes together.
#4. Resolve to Move More
44 percent of Americans resolve to workout more every year in January. Do you know how many actually stick to it? 11 percent. Don’t be part of the 33 percent that don’t stick to their goals. Make your kids proud by making it a family resolution. Don’t know where to start? Here are some ideas:
- Go on a bike ride together
- Plan a bowling or mini golf night
- Play sports together once a week
- Do yoga together
- Have a dance party
#5. Resolve to Be More Present
Especially after last year, we’ve learned that there’s no practice more important that being present. Being together, safe and healthy is the most important thing you can do. Here are some ways to be more present with your loved ones:
- Discuss your day’s highs and lows at dinner
- Meditate together
- Practice gratitude
#6. Unplug on Sundays
This year, teach your family how much fun they can have without their devices. Try to pick one day a week to spend time away from electronics and social media.
Love culture and nature? Do art together or plan an outing to a museum or a park. Like to stay home on the weekend? Plan a family game night or family movie night. If you’re still apart from loved ones, plan a Zoom meetup!
6 Easy to Keep Family New Year’s Resolutions
No one is saying this is going to be the year you magically achieve all your goals, but it never hurts to try and involving your whole family giving everybody a better chance of success. Make a list of resolutions or goals and share them with your kids. The sky’s the limit! Now get busy planning your best year yet!