Nassau County Half Day Summer Camps from Your Local Kids
Sending your kids to camp can be a valuable experience for them. It lets them be social, helps them find interests, keeps them active over the summer and can even help them boost their overall self esteem. But when your children are young, having them leave home all day can be scary for them and for you! This is why Your Local Kids has put together a list of half day summer camps in Nassau County, so they can have all the benefits of camp but can also spend part of the summer at home.
Find Half Day Summer Programs in Nassau County
Our Nassau County half day summer camps include programs that specialize in science, sports, dance, as well as camps that have a variety of activities to keep your little ones entertained and active all summer long.
For several years, Your Local Kids has been the best place to find full day and half day summer camps, as well as family friend businesses, healthcare facilities, party facilities and entertainment, and high quality after school programs.
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