7/22 – 1:30 pm Hewlett Pt. Park, East Rockaway
7/23 – 10:30am Cedar Street Park, Uniondale
7/23 – 1:30 pm Veterans Memorial Park, East Meadow
7/24 – 10:30am Levittown Hall, Hicksville
7/24 – 1:30 pm Coes Neck Park, Baldwin
7/25 – 10:30am Hendrickson Avenue Park, Elmont
7/25 – 1:30 pm Harold Walker Park, Lakeview
7/26 – 10:30am Roosevelt Pool, Roosevelt
7/26 – 1:30 pm Elmont Rd. Park, Elmont
A concert with Darlene Graham This is an interactive summer show for all ages. “Pool Time”, “Going to the Beach”, and “Sunny Day” are some of the summer songs that fill this show. Volunteers are needed to play Beach bucket drums, wear Sunglasses and dance, demonstrate swimming strokes and play clam shells as castanets! Large Beach balls are tossed into the audience to try and keep them up high while hundreds of bubbles fill up the room. Make sure you wear your comfortable dance show because this show will keep you on your feet.
For more info click here